I can't believe how quickly our days are going. It has been another busy but productive week. Morgan and Bryan are both doing well in their honors and AP Biology classes. They have both received A's on their exams and homework assignments. In history we have begun a more in depth study of the constitution and how our country's government was formed, plus began the reading of Washington Irving's The legend of Sleepy Hollow. Our cultural center is doing the play in a few weeks and we hope to get to see that. Algebra is just algebra, progressing well.
Aaron is moving along in his study of American history by reading Genevieve Foster's book George Washington's World. Physical science is still going well. Reading is still slow in that he just doesn't love to read fiction. But we are working on that.... He loves his Fallacy Detective Logic Book, but then again that is his thing. He is keeping up with the others in his high school Latin course. IEW has really helped him with writing and he is writing some good papers these days.
Allison is just thriving on the changes we have made for her. Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day is her favorite book right now. She has learned all about binomial nomenclature, and can tell you all of the classifications in order. Her notebook looks awesome. We are continuing our study of the Vikings and Leif Erickson for history. She is reading Socks by Beverly Cleary and of course loves that since it is about a cat! We are about to wrap up our study of Van Gogh and Vivaldi even though we hate to say good bye to them. We are reading Twelfth Night for our Shakespeare study. In Latin she has learned the first conjugation verb chant and the first declension noun chant. She has memorized the Lord's Prayer and several Latin sayings. Grammar and spelling come fairly natural for her.
Jonathan just read Bob Book #4. He is so proud of himself! We have enjoyed reading many books together. But he says that You are Special by Max Lucado is his favorite of all books. If you haven't read this book, it is a must read. We have also read Stone Soup, Panda Bear, The Napping House, Duncan and Deloris, Right Choices, and How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World. All great reads. He is beginning to tell time in math and is working on numbers above twenty. Science is just nature study. We collected many leaves this week and pressed them in a book. That was a huge hit.
So overall a great week.
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